Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Western Media Has Meltdown Over Putin Threatening Fair Fight

For years, the US has been making open war plans (not hidden, but not reported and therefore ignored) targeting China and Russia.
The plans were both were basically "Let's you and him fight".
For China, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, South Korea and Australia, among others, were chosen to be the countries where the battles would take place.

For Russia, it was the usual, Europe. The US planned to stay Over Here, fomenting the destruction, but not having any actual damage to the Homeland (as it is now called), just like the last times, in WW1 and WW2.

The plan was for the US to come out on top, again, just like the last two times. What could possibly go wrong with the plans?

The war plans against China had some small setbacks when South Korea and the Philippines elected leaders who did not go along, but the US is working on that.

Today, however, Putin gave a speech in which he announced that Russia wasn't going to be the setting of the forthcoming destruction, as they were last time, when 27,000,0000 million Russians died defeating the Nazis. The massive destruction of farms, homes and industry meant that rebuilding Russia (without the help of the Marshall Plan given to the Germans) after the US moved into western Europe, was a struggle. Putin announced that if NATO (US and its vassal countries) starts a war with Russia from Europe (as planned), Russia will also respond to the US.

So, Russia ain't gonna play the game of "we and them fight" again. And the western media screams with outrage! Even the European media, which shows how braindead the vassals are.

The US pulled out of the ABM Treaty in 2001 and the INF Treaty this year, while plans have been in the works since at least 2014 to "modernize" the US nuclear weapon arsenal.

But guess who is getting blamed for the "new arms race"? Too easy? Yeah, they are blaming Russia.

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