Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Overton Window In Play

"The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time. It is also known as the window of discourse."

The media threw a brick into the Overton window last Thursday......but not really.

The "window of discourse", or the "national conversation", is under firm control.

Number one: You can argue that Biden is sharp as a tack and is good for another four years, OR you can argue that he is a Gone Man and needs to be removed from the ticket.

You can NOT ask how he is not fit for the ticket but is totally fit to run the country.

That is not part of the national discourse.

Number two: If you accept that Joe Must Go, you can speculate to your little heart's desire about whom our overlords will replace him with, (heavy on obscure Democrat governors), but you can NOT point out that a scion of a beloved Dem family is already running, and would most likely win against the Scary Orange Man, in a landslide. An unrigged landslide, to boot.

That is Unapproved Speech, and is not part of the Overton Window.

You would think that even the dullest of Dems could come up with this idea on their own, but you would be wrong.

They are sticking to the approved narratives.

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