Monday, August 29, 2022

It Isn't Censorship If A Police Agency Tells You To Do It

Mark Z told Joe R that fb did not expel people for telling the truth, the way that Twitter did, they just shadow banned them instead. He seemed proud of that.

To be fair, he is right, it is less repressive to shadow ban than to completely ban and censor.

The interesting thing is that he clearly thinks that it is justified by the fact that the FBI, the enforcement wing of the now misnamed Dept. of "Justice", told them to do it.

Most Americans used to know that when the government and the corporations combine to repress the population, the proper term for that combo is "fascism".

Like other words I can't mention without risk of being banned, (and the word for that is "irony"), the F word has been deformed in recent years by the Woke Totalitarians.

They use it for their domestic political opponents at the drop of a hat, but show them Azoz soldiers literally tattooed with swastikas, with their arms outstretched chanting slogans from the 30s, and they will deny, deny, deny.

"No, no, no, you can't go by swastikas, silly. That means nothing. It's a MAGA hat that is the giveaway. And the hat also gives you the right to sucker punch the elderly."

It is incredible (and scary and sad) to watch the devolution of millions of formerly capable minds.

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