Sunday, March 27, 2022

CRT Judo

Since the Trump presidency the US ruling class has tried a tactic of giving one story to the US public, a story of a country steeped in racism, "structural white supremacy" and founded in genocide, while still trying to tell the rest of the world that the US is a shining city on a hill whose "values" are supreme and must be adopted by all other peoples of the world.

Do they really think that the rest of the world doesn't notice the internal US propaganda and the hypocrisy involved? They do.

The Chinese, especially, are masters of turning internal US propaganda against the demands the US makes upon them.

"How dare you negotiators speak of human rights abuses, coming from a systemically racist, genetically evil country as you do!"

They have turned the rhetoric against the perpetrators and are beating them at their own propaganda game. Is that cultural appropriation or intellectual property theft? That is not allowed in the rules-based game that the US invented!

And there are those in the US who have also noticed the Double Think and are laughing at the hypocrisy.

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