Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Population Mind Control

The same people who supported the impeachment of Trump in 2019 for supposedly holding up US weapons to kill the people of eastern Ukraine are today wailing about Russians supposedly killing Ukrainians with Russian weapons. (Although they also support handing out weapons to the civilians of Kiev who are using them to settle old scores. That, you see, is "inspiring"..... because they are told it is inspiring.)

These people will also tell you that the reason for the sudden concern (after 8 years) for the lives of Ukrainians by Americans is that Americans are "racist". (Although these same Americans supported the attacks on the bodies, property, bank accounts, children and dogs of the Canadian truckers because the truckers were also "racist".)

When the US was trying to get military bases in Africa, though, Americans were quite concerned about the lives of Tutsis, then Darfur, then the past victims of Kony, then the girls of Nigeria, then the victims of Ebola. Quite concerned, until the bases were obtained, or Sudan was split into two countries, then the concern dropped.

Americans are also very, very concerned about Uigurs in China.

Oh, and Venezuelans who don't have the same impeccable free and fair elections that Americans do. Poor Venezuelans! We must starve them until they get better elections.

It's almost as if Americans think what they are told to think and worry about who they are told to worry about and bomb who they are told to bomb, and nothing else is relevant but that.

Victims of US bombs sent to Ukraine, but it was 2014 so nobody cared.....

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