Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Obey Your Rulers and Stop Thinking and Speaking

The ruling class is ramping up their attacks on free speech and freedom of the press. The ability of humans to communicate with each other across the country and across the world via the internet and social media is making it harder for them to control the narrative. They don't like that.

So they censor and they ban and they tell us that making connections and noticing discrepancies are a Very Bad Thing To Do.

Ignore the fact that noticing patterns and "connecting the dots" is an inherent feature of intelligence, and act like it's something only engaged in by depraved and "treasonous" minds. Connecting the dots is being a "conspiracy theorist" and noticing discrepancies is "whataboutism".

If an Official Enemy's motives don't make sense, it's only because you can't understand that they are pure evil, so can't be expected to act out of self interest. Cui bono cannot be used to understand the stories about Official Enemies.

Forget that looking for motives and who actually benefitted from a crime are features of any basic crime investigation; forget that means and opportunity are also important crime solvers, forget that people are prosecuted for criminal conspiracies ever day, and pretend that people in power would never do it, just low-level drug-dealers and thieves.

If there was anything to it, your TV would've mentioned it.

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