Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Hunter's Laptop Limited Hangout

What then, is the point of the NY Times conceding on March 16th that the laptop left by Hunter Biden in a computer repair shop actually exists and has damning information on it?

This is the most limited of limited hangouts. A google search of "Hunter's laptop" gets you computer sales and then a smattering of articles reporting on the NY Times report. A search on NPR only gets you a "debunking" story from 2020. CNN is all about those Evil Russians and also The Oscar Slap. A search for "Hunter's laptop" gets you "Did not match any documents".

So unlike the usual Mighty Wurlitzer propaganda push, (like 2020's "Putin put bounty on US soldiers"), the rest of the usual suspect media has not amplified the NY Times' story. Interesting.

If the story was put out in order to get rid of Joe Biden and put in Kamala Harris, it would be all over the media, 24/7, like the Oscar slap and the Scary New Variant. But it's not, so there must be another reason.

The war fever among the usual suspect media is overwhelming, 24/7 and over-the-top. Google "Is Putin Crazy?". I got 1,750,000.000 hits. (Full disclosure: I didn't check them out). And that is just one small tidbit of disinfo they are pushing.

Clearly there is a strong constituency in the US ruling class that is pushing for war with Russia. Odd as it seems, apparently it is Joe Biden who is reluctant to escalate the war, perferring to issue threats and insults, stop natural gas to Europe and provide more weapons to Ukraine, so that they may kill each other off, taking Russians with them.

So is the NY Times acknowledgement that Hunter Biden is a degenerate crook who siphoned money to the rest of his family, including his father, a way of putting pressure on the president? A warning shot across the bow?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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